Property Owner FAQs

How long has your company been in business?

We are locally owned and operated with an exceptional reputation for fair dealings and great service. The fact that Miller & Company has been in business since 1981 demonstrates our integrity and lends confidence in the security of our future

Our Property Management team members have been associated with Miller & Company since 1989; our staff members and leasing agents have more than 150 “combined” years of association with Miller & Company. We'll help you avoid unforeseen pitfalls of property management.

Do you have an office with regular business hours?

We believe it is vital to maintain a fully staffed office in order to provide great customer service. Our office hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and by appointment on Saturday. Lobby hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and by appointment on Saturday.

Are you open on Saturdays?

We are available Saturdays by appointment. Please call 801 566-7922 to schedule a time.

How do you arrive at the rental rate?

To estimate a rental rate we do an analysis of current market trends. We look at comparable rentals and take into consideration the condition, amenities and general appeal.

How do you advertise my vacancy?

Prior to advertising your property, we visit your property and take pictures. We will then advertise your vacancy on our website, RentinUtah, which also posts to over 100 syndicated sites like Trulia, HotPads, and Zillow. We also post to local websites, Rentler and WFRMLS-Realtor Multiple Listing Service. We will install a professional graphically designed for rent sign in front of your property.

How long does it take for the property to be advertised?

We have the property posted on various internet marketing sites including our own website within minutes with color photos and detailed description. Signs will be placed in the yard and or window within two business days.

How fast can you rent my property?

In many cases, properties rent in days. Many factors determine how quickly your property rents. The most critical factors are:


More aggressively priced homes rent faster. There is no way to predict how long a property will remain on the market, even in the best market conditions. However, we do work diligently to rent the property as quickly as possible. The most important objective is to find a quality tenant. Bad tenants will only create more expense and another unwanted vacancy. Waiting for the right tenant is worth the additional time it can take to rent the property. We find the best tenant possible in the quickest amount of time.


Preferred locations rent more quickly.

Showing Quality

The better a property shows the more desirable it becomes and the sooner it rents.

What do I need to do to get my property ready for rental?

We have found that the better a property shows, the faster we can rent it. Typically touch up paint is needed, windows need to have window coverings, carpets need to professionally cleaned, appliances, lights, mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems need to be in good working order, and a thorough professional deep cleaning is necessary.

What happens with the utilities?

We require the tenant to switch required utilities into the tenant’s name as of their move-in date. They will need to provide Miller & Company with their account numbers before they receive keys to the property.

What do I need to do to my property after a tenant moves?

When your tenant vacates the property, the tenant will be required to provide professional carpet cleaning and thorough deep cleaning. We will inspect the property after move out. If the cleaning has not been done, we will schedule the cleaning and charge the cost to their security deposit. The tenant will also be charged for damages beyond normal wear. You are responsible to pay for normal wear and tear and lock changes in between tenants.

What are your qualifying standards?

Once a tenant completes an application, we will do a credit check, criminal background check, verify employment or source of income and get rental reference. We also qualify tenants with income to rent and total debt ratios. We work diligently to find the best tenants possible. We cannot allow an owner to be involved in the approval or denial process due to the fact that we are governed by many local, state and federal laws when it comes to approving and denying applicants.

What do you collect for a security deposit?

We collect a security deposit equal to the rental amount. If you allow pets in your property we require an additional deposit.

What funds do you require from the tenants at move in?

When a tenant signs their lease, we collect:

Deposit(s). A deposit equal to one month’s full rent will be paid. If the tenants have pets, they will pay an additional deposit (Providing that you decide to accept pets in your rental property. This is completely up to your discretion).

Rent. The tenants first month’s rent will be prorated based on the days that they will occupy the property during their first month of tenancy.

For example, if a tenant moves in on September 16th and their rent is $1000 they will pay $500 (15days/30days x $1,000 = $500) for the first month’s rent and $1000 for their security deposit at lease signing. When rent is due on October 1st they will pay the full month’s rent of $1,000.

When do you take the management fee and placement fee?

We take our placement fee, which is half of one month’s rent, when the tenants are placed in your property. We will begin charging our management fee from the date the tenant’s move in and again every month going forward.

When will I receive my owner payment?

Owner draws go out of our office on the 15th of every month via mail or electronic payment (ACH payment). Please allow 1 or 2 business days to process to your bank. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, it will be sent or deposited on the next business day.

What if the tenants don’t pay the rent?

We are in constant contact with our tenants and rarely have tenants who do not pay. We pride ourselves in putting dependable people in your property. If we do not receive payment, we start a “three day process” demanding the rental payment. After this time the eviction process can begin and, if eviction is necessary, the process can take anywhere from 30-45 days.

How do you make sure the tenant is taking good care of my home?

There are several ways we have of knowing this. Careful tenant selection from the outset protects your property from being rented to irresponsible people. During the lease term, we may have occasion to enter the property for repair or maintenance and will use the opportunity to have a look. If we are fortunate enough not to have any maintenance or repairs over an extended period of time, we will schedule a preventative maintenance walk-through/inspection, if you request, to make sure that there are not any unreported problems at the property.

What do you do if a tenant is not taking care of the property as they should, or you discover unauthorized pets?

We give the tenant notice and an opportunity to correct the situation and usually they will. If the problem persists, we will make a decision based on that specific situation.

How do you handle maintenance requests?

When we receive a routine repair request, we contact the tenant and ask questions to determine the exact nature of the problem before sending a service technician. We also make sure it is not something the tenant can fix themselves (I.E. Reset button on the disposal, tripped breaker) before your money is spent on a service call. After determining that it is a legitimate problem, we will send the appropriate service vendor to make the repair. If we or our vendor determine that the need for repair was caused by the tenant, the tenant will be billed for the service.

We are able to handle most repair requests within 1-3 working days.

Habitability items such as A/C, no hot water or heat, receive highest priority and are usually attended to the same or next business day.

For emergencies, tenants may call our approved vendor (electrical, plumbing, heating) and the contractor will respond.

How informed will I be about what happens with my property?

If something occurs that may cause a potential interruption in your ordinary cash flow (loss of tenant or major repair), we will let you know right away. We will notify you of maintenance and/or repair needed for your property. We encourage you to contact us anytime you have a question or wish to discuss something.

Do you hold some of my money for repairs? How much?

Unlike many property managers, we do not require an escrow for repairs. If you have a home warranty, we will schedule repairs through them.

How do I know you won’t spend my money on large repairs without my approval?

This is a legitimate concern. Your tenant is responsible for any repairs less than $100.00.

For ordinary maintenance and repairs greater than the maintenance limit, we will notify you and determine how to proceed.

Emergency maintenance and repairs such as replacing a bad water heater, a roof leak that needs patching or repair, or emergency A/C and furnace repairs where 1) the health or safety of a tenant is an issue, or 2) comfort and habitability is an issue, or 3) your property will incur additional damage if immediate action is not taken, we will initiate the repair work, even if it is higher than the maintenance limit, and then let you know of the situation.

Are your property management fees negotiable?

We don’t compete against lower priced property management companies or Realtors who practice property management as a side business. The ultimate cost of using a property manager is determined by many things other than the fee charged. Our services, our systems, and our experience and expertise are a great value at the fee structure we have established.

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